NPS Loyalty Score

Key benefits from research

The key benefit from using the research results is an increase in the company’s financial performance by at least 20%.

On average, only 12-15% of clients (buyers) are satisfied and, accordingly, loyal to the company (brand). But this small group of buyers generates 55 to 90% of sales. It is easy to calculate the growth of a company's performance when the level of loyalty increases by at least 1-2%.

Opportunities of the method

Tracking the loyalty index allows you to assess the perception of the company without resorting to other studies and quickly adjusting your activities. A dissatisfied customer shares his experiences with an average of 7 people. If the cause of dissatisfaction is eliminated and an apology is made, the person conveys a positive experience to an average of 12 people and becomes a highly loyal client (c)

Sample size and timeline

The sample size for the survey depends on the size of the customer base. As mentioned above, the average response rate to such surveys is about 40% (with a “live” database). Therefore, if the customer has a small client base (up to 2000 contacts), BCGroup recommends getting the opinion of at least 400 clients on the questionnaire. The minimum period for such a survey is 1 business day.


The cost of a project for assessing loyalty using the NPS method consists of the cost of collecting a selected number of questionnaires (payment is taken only for fully completed questionnaires) and the cost of analytics (usually no more than 10-15% of the cost of data collection)

You can calculate the cost of one questionnaire yourself using our calculator (you will need to enter the number of open and closed questions in the questionnaire, quotas)

The cost of such a study is from 2000 £ (the cost is indicated for a minimum sample).

Sample report


Description of the approach

The NPS index is the most popular indicator of customer loyalty. It is used by both large international corporations and small local companies around the world. The advantage of the NPS index is that significant statistics have been accumulated on it. Any company can track its development in comparison with both global and regional statistics, both in its industry and in related areas. It is recommended to evaluate NPS at least once every six months to a year.

Despite the worldwide popularity of the methodology and its interesting name (NPS, Net Promoter Score), this is a fairly simple study. It is based on a single question - an assessment of loyalty as a whole on a 10-point scale. Next, from all the respondents, three groups of clients are distinguished: promoters (highly loyal), neutrals and critics (negatively minded). The NPS index is the difference between the shares (%) of the promoter group and the detractor group.

For Europe, depending on the markets and regions under consideration, on average NPS indicators range from 20-45%. The maximum global level of the index (about 80%) was recorded by one of the large banks operating in the United States. In our practice, we have encountered both a company with an index of 62% and a company with an index of -12% (NPS can be negative).

Process of research

BCGroup's work on assessing customer loyalty using the NPS method is structured as follows:

1. A BCGroup specialist clarifies the size of the client base and the geography of the survey;
2. A BCGroup specialist agrees with the customer on the final version of the questionnaire;
3. An NDA (confidentiality agreement) is signed between BCGroup and the company. According to the document, all contacts transferred by the customer are deleted by BCGroup after the completion of the project;
4. The company provides BCGroup with contacts for surveys on the basis that the average response rate to surveys on loyalty and satisfaction is about 30-40%;
5. BCGroup specialists conduct the survey in a short time (it is possible to survey up to 5,000 people per day);
6. Next, the BCGroup employee transfers the data array to the customer’s representative in Excel or SPSS format; other formats are possible for further integration with the customer’s CRM system;
7. After 3-5 days, a BCGroup employee sends an analytical report to the customer based on the results of assessing customer loyalty (sample reports)

How to start?

Just send us a request using any of the forms. A BCGroup specialist will draw up a proposal by the end of the working day.

Send a request