Study of satisfaction factors

Key benefits from research

The key benefit from using the research results is an increase in the company’s financial performance by at least 20%.

On average, only 12-15% of clients (buyers) are satisfied and, accordingly, loyal to the company (brand). But this small group of buyers generates 55 to 90% of sales. It is easy to calculate the growth of a company's performance when the level of loyalty increases by at least 1-2%.

Opportunities of the method

There are times when customer or consumer satisfaction levels plummet. Or vice versa, the level of loyalty is stable and does not grow, despite numerous attempts by the company to influence the growth of loyalty. The results of a study using a specially developed methodology or the Noriaki Kano method, discussed in another section, will help you understand the factors of satisfaction and loyalty.

Sample size and timeline

The minimum size of a representative sample for such projects per region is 400 questionnaires. By region we mean any territory for which separate analytics is required (this could be, for example, a city or a country as a whole). In cases where it is necessary to separately consider and compare data from, for example, 2 cities, the minimum sample is 800 questionnaires. The minimum period for such a survey is 1 business day.


The cost of a project to identify satisfaction factors consists of the cost of collecting a selected number of questionnaires (payment is taken only for fully completed questionnaires) and the cost of analytics (usually no more than 10-15% of the cost of data collection)

You can calculate the cost of one questionnaire yourself using our calculator (you will need to enter the number of open and closed questions in the questionnaire, quotas)

The cost of such a study is from 2000 £ (the cost is indicated for a minimum sample).

Sample report


Description of the approach

The study of attractiveness factors is carried out using quantitative techniques (personal, telephone or online surveys). For the client/consumer, the question of the reasons for choice can be quite difficult, especially in cases of irrational decisions. Therefore, respondents are asked to describe the process of their most recent choice of the product or service in question.

In addition, such studies often evaluate the performance of the company and its competitors on factors important to the consumer. This allows you to get information about what the market looks like in the client's mind.

Process of research

BCGroup's work on identifying attractiveness factors is structured as follows:

1. A BCGroup specialist clarifies the reasons that necessitated such a study and understands the current situation;
2. A BCGroup specialist agrees with the customer on the final version of the survey questionnaire;
3. An NDA (confidentiality agreement) is signed between BCGroup and the company;
4. For B2B areas: The Company transfers contacts of current, former and failed clients to BCGroup for survey on the basis that the average response rate to satisfaction surveys is about 20% (for B2C and other cases, the database is searched by BCGroup, the response rate is about 10% );
5. BCGroup specialists conduct the survey in a short time (it is possible to survey up to 5,000 people per day);
6. Next, the BCGroup employee transfers the data array to the customer’s representative in Excel or SPSS format;
7. After 3-5 days, a BCGroup employee sends an analytical report to the customer based on the results of the satisfaction assessment (report samples)

How to start?

Just send us a request using any of the forms. A BCGroup specialist will draw up a proposal by the end of the working day.

Send a request