Measurements and observations

Key benefits from research

Measurements and observations allow you to avoid making decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Having the results of the study, you are 99% likely to make the right decision.

Opportunities of the method

Measuring traffic and traffic flows is a type of research that allows you to calculate potential “geographically based” demand, determine the profile of people passing by, and calculate the approximate profitability and payback period of a retail outlet.

This type of research can be used as a marketing characteristic of a property, allowing you to narrow down the search for a buyer/tenant. In addition, such calculations are in demand by retail chains planning to open new outlets. Based on the results of a study of permeability and traffic flows, you can select a point with the highest potential profitability indicators.

Participant observation is a qualitative type of research that allows us to understand the behavior of a certain target group, its characteristics, and evaluate the behavioral characteristics of the group. More often used in sociological research.

Sample size and timeline

The minimum number of hours for measurements and observations at one point is 60 hours. The minimum execution time is 1 week.


The cost of measurements and observations consists of the cost of data collection and the cost of analytics (usually no more than 10-15% of the cost of data collection)

The cost of data collection is typically an hourly rate that varies depending on the number of parameters to be measured or observed.

The cost of such a study is from 1000 £ (the cost is indicated for a minimum sample).

Sample report


Description of the approach

A study of permeability and traffic flows may include the following items:

1. Assessment of traffic on weekdays and weekends;
2. Traffic flow assessment;
3. Composition of traffic flow (freight, passenger and passenger transport);
4. Portrait of a passing audience (gender, age, income, car ownership);
5. Socio-demographic statistics of the living/passing audience;
6. Probable reason for staying in the place under study;
7. Estimated frequency of stay in the study area.

The obtained data is analyzed and provided in the form of a comprehensive description of the object/area under study, a map of the area with marked pedestrian and transport routes, maps of the area with areas of gravity for competing and adjacent retail outlets.

Process of research

  • BCGroup’s work in preparing and conducting measurements and observations is structured as follows:

    1. A BCGroup specialist clarifies the tasks facing the study, as well as the targeted program;
    2. A BCGroup specialist agrees with the customer on a list of parameters to be tracked;
    3. An NDA (confidentiality agreement) is signed between BCGroup and the company;
    4. BCGroup specialists carry out measurements and observations;
    5. Next, the BCGroup employee transfers the collected data to the customer’s representative in the agreed form;
    6. After 3-5 days, a BCGroup employee sends an analytical report on the tasks set by the customer for the study (sample reports)

How to start?

Just send us a request using any of the forms. A BCGroup specialist will draw up a proposal by the end of the working day.

Send a request