For marketers

The managers of many enterprises are trying to entrust marketing research to marketers, including without the involvement of third-party companies. As a result, many marketers find themselves running out of time to complete more important or urgent tasks.

We understand that it is almost impossible to know all the intricacies of conducting research without working with it every day. We are talking about the entire research process: from drawing up a questionnaire to analyzing data and interpreting it. The BCGroup research agency helps marketers simplify the research process and minimize the time spent collecting and analyzing data.

BCGroup offers the following opportunities for its marketing clients:

  1. Tracking the implementation of projects in your Personal Account in real time (based on quantitative research);
  2. Quick creation of questionnaires based on the tasks assigned to the marketer;
  3. Comparing your data with your industry (for example, comparing it to average customer satisfaction);
  4. Free automatic creation of analytics based on the collected array (with the ability to copy it into your reports for management);
  5. Free functionality: online survey (the marketer is given a link to the survey, which is then distributed in-house);
  6. Built-in functionality: sending online questionnaires to the target audience via e-mail or SMS (lists of e-mails or mobile phones can be uploaded in your Personal Account);

It is also worth noting that for some companies we do advanced analytics with marketing interpretation of data. Our clients' marketers have received awards for some of these projects.


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