Banking product "interest on balance"

Interest on balance

Last year, the research agency BCGroup conducted a study of a co-branded product of one of the largest retail chains.

The purpose of this study was to study the interest of the target audience in the new product.

The following tasks were set for the study:

  • determining the level of trust and attitude of the target audience towards banking products from retail chains;
  • assessment of interest in a new product;
  • definition of criteria for selecting banking products;
  • comparison of conditions for the provision of banking products;
  • identifying media preferences and comparing advertising campaigns for similar products.

Focus groups were used as a method of collecting information. Focus groups were conducted in regions of Russia (large cities were selected). The study involved respondents who do not have salary cards and who, at their own discretion, choose where to open a debit card.

It is worth noting that the product is still being finalized, and a series of studies on it continues.

For privacy reasons, we cannot provide specific brands and numbers.

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