Level of education in the regions

Level of education

The BCGroup research agency conducted a major sociological study dedicated to the national project “Education”.

The purpose of the study is to assess the level of public awareness of the priority national project “Education” and attitudes towards it.

The following tasks were set for the study:

  • public assessment of the quality of educational services provided in educational institutions;
  • assessment of the level of knowledge about the key areas of the national project;
  • public assessment of the positive and negative consequences of the project;
  • assessment of the target audience of the effectiveness of the project: to what extent the project solves problems that have arisen in the field of education;
  • assessment of the completeness of information about the national project.

Telephone interviews were used as data collection methods. The survey involved students and their parents, as well as employees of educational institutions in the regions. 23,240 questionnaires were collected on the presented topic, in which respondents expressed their attitude to one of the current topics for the population.

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